There are several ways to make the background of an image transparent or
appear to be here a just a few. To remove the background color from a Gif image which you want to put onto
another background of a different color, open the picture in Paintshop Pro. Select the magic wand tool and left-click on the color which you want to
remove, (make transparent). Small lines should appear around then image
(marching ants). Then select the flood fill tool, go to the color palette and
the flood fill tool will automatically change into the Eye dropper tool so you
will be able to select the background color of your website or the color of the
background you want your image on. Go over to the image and left click. And
that is it, the background will change color to your chosen color, so when the
image is placed on to your website it will appear that the background of the
image is transparent. Another way is. If the image is already transparent. Open a new image. color
the new image the color you want. Then go over to the already transparent image,
select it, click on edit -> copy. Reselect your new image -> edit ->
paste-> as a transparent selection.