
Installing Plugins








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Air Brush. The air brush tool simulates painting with a spray can. Magic Wand. Works by selecting content instead of edges.
Clone Brush. The clone brush tool copies a selected part of an image onto another selected image. Magnifier. To zoom in or zoom out of an image. To make it easier to do detailed work.
Color Replacer. Allows you to paint with a selected color onto a certain color on your image. Mover. Will allow you to move a selection, A part of an image needs to fist be selected.
Crop Tool. Crops around a selected part of a image. Paint Brush. Use to color/paint a selected part of an image.
Draw. Offers the ability to draw both vector & raster modes. Picture Tube. Preset shapes & images can be chosen.
Eraser Tool. The eraser tool erases a image or color. Pointer. Used to move, resize & manipulate an image.
Dropper tool. Allows you to select a color in your image quickly to use for painting. Preset shapes. Are shapes that are preset which can be changed in size and shape.
Flood Fill. Colors an area with a color pattern or gradient color. Retouch Tool. To touch up and blend in & soften edges of an image.
Freehand Tool. Is used to draw around a image. Will leave a marque. (marching Ants). Scratch Remover. Select a scratch/blemish, will erase it to blend in with surrounding color.
  Text. For writing text.

Other Tools