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Color Palette . The Color Palette is where colors, textures, patterns, gradients, and stroke and fill are set. The Color Palette works in direct relation to the tools offered in the Tool palette, as well as the Tool Options palette for tools allowing stroke, such as the Text tool, Preset Shapes tool, and the Draw tool. It is recommended that the tool be picked first then, set the Tool Options, and finally the materials from the Color Palette. Let's explore what the Color Palette offers and how it functions.

Preset Shapes .

This mini-tutorial can only be used with PSP 7.
It is for creating preset shapes and some basic information on changing the pattern and color of your shape.
1. Create a shape or image using ALL vectors...Do NOT convert to raster.

2. When you are done, open the layer palette and click on any plus signs you see. Under each layer are all the shapes you made. Click on each shape while holding down the shift key. Make sure you get them all.

3. After you've selected them all go to OBJECTS/GROUP.

4. Now with the vector selection tool right click on the vector square and go to properties. Rename the group whatever you are calling your shape.

5. Right click again in the vector square and export shape. Name it the same as you named your group.

That's it..now it will show up in your preset shapes.

Changing the pattern or color of a preset shape

1. Put your new preset shape on a blank canvas with retain style and vector checked.

2. Open the layer palette and click on the plus signs.

3. Click on one of the shapes and a vector box will appear around the shape.

4. Right click and go to properties. From there you can change the color, texture, pattern or line style and width. Do this for each shape as you wish.